We recently carried out a Landlords Vs Tenants survey to show that thousands of people fall victim to landlord scams and rental fraud every year.
There have been 580 housing prosecutions in London under the Housing Act 2004, between 2011 and 2014. The data reveals 2,006 individuals and companies were fined a total of £3m for housing offences. The Ministry of Justice was ordered to release its prosecution figures by an information tribunal after an appeal by Environmental Health News magazine. However many believe these figures should be released as a matter of course to help spread awareness especially as renting property continues to be on the rise.
Thanks to Shelter Housing, there is a renewed focus on landlord prosecution with an additional £5 million to be shared out amongst councils to take action against landlords. The new funding is part of the Housing and Planning Bill. It is great news for sitting tenants needing help to eliminate landlord issues, such as having their landlords selling their houses without notice, and also to provide better living conditions and support for all. We at Open Property Group are delighted by the new funding and, in response to these figures; we have asked industry leaders for their tops tips in spotting and avoiding landlord scams.
Open Property Group specialise in purchasing properties off landlords that are looking to sell their house fast without disrupting the tenants in the process.