Perform an internet search, speak with a High Street estate agent or consult with a conveyancing solicitor and you’ll be told the same thing: if you are selling a property, you will need to move out the same day as your complete.
This is not strictly true, which could come as welcome news to many vendors with more unusual or complex selling situations. Open Property Group explains how a seller can set their own moving out date – one that doesn’t have to match the completion day.
Completion is the final legal hurdle when the ownership of a property transfers from one person to the next. For this to happen, both solicitors involved undertake final checks on monies owed and paperwork, which includes ensuring the buyer’s solicitor transfers the mortgage funds into the banking system for it to be passed on to the seller. As soon as the funds are cleared, the keys can be released to the new property owner.
A seller is usually pressured into moving out on the same day as completion and your contract may even state that the property must be left with ‘vacant possession’ on the day –that means without anyone living in it. There’s usually a new owner keen to get into the property and they will be paying the mortgage from completion day, so it’s only natural for the buyer to want to move in quickly – and that’s the drawback of selling to owner-occupiers.
Open Property Group knows that sales can be part of wider, often complicated set of circumstances. Although some sellers need to sell property fast, using our express sale cash buying service to raise funds, they may also need to retain a place to stay immediately after completion. With this in mind, Open Property Group has developed a way of sellers staying in their property beyond completion.
We are professional buyers and as a company, and not as an individual looking for a new home to live in, we offer our sellers the type of flexibility you won’t find with a traditional estate agent. As we buy for cash, we are not under pressure to repay a mortgage and our business structure allows us time to work with clients and not rush them.
If a delayed completion – or a move out day that you control – is something that you need when selling your property, get in touch with Open Property Group today or request a free cash offer.