While there is good cause to relax a little once exchange has taken place, movers can use the time before completion to plan for everyday life in a new home. When it comes to utilities – and we are including gas, electricity, water, broadband, TV packages and landline telephone services for the purpose of this blog – moving home presents an opportunity to source a new supplier or find a better deal.
Don’t panic! Unless the former occupiers were in terrible debt, your new home will still be connected to the grid and gas mains using the supplier the previous occupants had a contract with. If you didn’t find out in advance who that was, you can find the incumbent gas supplier here and your electricity supplier here.
You may not be connected to any telephone communication/cable services when you move in, which may come as a shock to home workers, Netflix addicts and children who love to game. You can choose to transfer your existing package and suppliers to your new property, or start again from scratch – using the previous occupants’ supplier (this maybe quicker to reconnect) or by using a comparison site to find a new supplier (possibly resulting in cheaper bills).
Be sure to talk to your current suppliers about where you are in your contract and make your decision to stick or switch based on any financial ‘early exit’ penalties you may face. You should also take into account any new, longer contract they want you to sign versus any money you might save by switching suppliers. Whichever route you choose, research and plan in advance, as it can take 1-2 weeks – or even longer - to arrange TV, landline and broadband connections.
It’s easy to let excitement and stress get the better of you on moving day but there is one job that needs performing practically as soon as you step through the door of your new home – meter readings. Establish before moving day where the meters are located and ensure you have any keys necessary to access them. Take a photo of the readings and any meter box numbers using your smartphone (don’t forget the water meter) and send them to the relevant suppliers on day one.
It is industry practice to put all new energy customers on standard variable rates when they move into a new property and these are often the most expensive tariffs. There are a number of choices open to new homeowners but it’s best to take action quickly so you’re not paying over the odds for gas and electricity.
Movers can:-
As well as setting up supplies and services in your new property, it is essential to draw a line under your usage in your outgoing property. Here’s what to do before you move out:
Don’t forget to also contact your local authority with regards to your council tax and change of address.
If you need any more advice about utility and communication services when moving home, please contact the Open Property Group team today.